Skills for school leavers
“Rising Sun Program – Get ready for your working day”
Coming Soon Early 2021

This online training program consisting of six modules, each module explores Employability Soft Skills and Practical Everyday Measures that explore and prepare ‘Getting ready for the working day’.
- LIVING SAFE – Online Safety, Being Safe and Recognising Danger
- EXPLORE AND CREATE – Motivation, Strengths, Accessible Post -School Options
- COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION – Verbal/Written Skills/Conversational /Social Skills
- DIGITAL LITERACY – Smart and Skilled Use of Digital Communication Methods
- BRIDGING BARRIERS – Building bridges between community, self and future employment
- ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – Practice, role-play, experiment and / or work experience
E-book of all content provided
Parent/carer/social coach/support worker may be needed to:
Provide comprehension support
Practice skills
Provide encouragement
Appy Connections provides dynamic therapy, training and technology supports.
It makes a difference… for today and tomorrow 🙂