Social Skills Teenagers and Young Adults – using the comprehensive and effective PEERS© evidence based program

Friendly social skills are useful to anyone, as most jobs and activities require interactions with peers. Our 10-week course teaches the essentials of making and keeping friends: entering and exiting conversations, appropriate humor, handling arguments, teasing, bullying and being a good sport. It’s fun!

What you will need:

Some bravery and courage as we guide you to practice social skills

A helper who can be with in person such as a social coach/support worker or a parent

Course enrollment requires that participants:
Use verbal language as their main method of to communicating and that
They can listen to and follow instruction
There must also be a willingness to learn how to meet, engage and connect with others.


Feb 02 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



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Kristi Sproates
Grab your spot

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